Disaster Preparedness for respiratory patients and for those on portable oxygen concentrators.
Portable Oxygen Concentrators
A Guide to Understanding Pulse Flow Settings on Portable Oxygen Concentrators
One of the most confusing aspects of portable oxygen concentrators (POCs) is the pulse settings. Are they the same as continuous flow settings? Is there a difference in the setting from one POC to another? I am going to provide a detailed response to these common...
Product Review: Respironics SimplyGo
The SimplyGo portable oxygen concentrator is the latest edition to the respiratory product line from Philips Respironics. Recognized immediately as an improvement over the EverGo, the SimplyGo is gaining popularity since receiving FAA approval effective November 1,...
Choosing the Best Portable Oxygen Concentrator: Size Matters
I am frequently are asked which portable oxygen concentrator is the best one. The answer depends on your lifestyle and needs. In my previous post I shared the most important distinction between the portable oxygen concentrators available: pulse only flow vs. pulse and...
Choosing the Best Portable Oxygen Concentrator: Start with the Flow
The question I am most often asked is which portable oxygen concentrator (POC) is the best one. My answer: "The best POC is the one that is right for you - for your oxygen needs and lifestyle." If you are looking into purchasing a portable oxygen concentrator and you...
Long-term Oxygen Therapy
For the past two decades, the focus of long-term oxygen therapy (LTOT) has been shifting further and further each year from stationary to portable systems. Medical advancements have allowed patients being treated for lung diseases such as emphysema or chronic...
Oxygen Therapy gives patients freedom and flexibility
When my doctor first told me I needed long-term oxygen therapy to manage my chronic bronchitis, I have to admit, I was scared. Immediately I saw visions of myself strapped to an over-sized metal cylinder taking pull-after-pull from an oxygen mask, confined to a chair...